You never know what a day will bring. Sometimes a day can go completely sideways, like the other day. Sometimes a little thing, like a text asking how you are doing brings a smile. Sometimes something odd like a kitchen appliance becomes possessed. True story.
We have hard water here which causes coffee maker issues by times. I tried to clean the last one and it burst a pipe inside and flooded the counter. So, new coffee maker. A red one; so pretty. There is new stuff on this appliance, one being that it beeps when it is finished brewing. Nice. Today however, it beeps at 2 cups, 5 cups and 10 cups. Hmmm, I suppose that as long as that does not interfere with the brewing this is okay. Although if it starts to beep through the entire cycle there could be a hammer in its future.
(Sorry, long story there.) Lately, some days have brought nonsense on Facebook. Now this is so not a new thing, so if you are going to have an account there you have to understand how it works, then decide how to make it work for you. For me, I limit my 'friends' to family primarily, then generally look at pages that interest me creatively. You might think that this could work. Mostly it does. Last week however, I read two posts on a page that I follow. The page is written by the publicist of one of my favorite authors. Apparently one of her novels is being made into a movie and this fact, plus the name of the actress to play the part, was posted. Well apparently all hell broke loose on several continents.
People seemed to feel free to criticize, threaten, and spew all manner of purely hateful nonsense on this page. I have an issue with all of this 'my right to express my opinion' excuse for attitudes and behaviour that are actually inexcusable.
I am not one who believes that 'people are basically good'. I think people are basically selfish, and have to learn to be different. We all have a frame of reference which predisposes us to think and respond in certain ways. These differ with each person and are as varied as our appearance is, from each other. This means we will see, understand, and respond to every single thing differently.
It does not mean that discussion and understanding is impossible.
These kind of disgusting comments do not lead to discussion or understanding. They are demands and threats and slander. But there is no reasoning with the unreasonable, no opening a closed mind that is blinkered by prejudices causing a tightly tunneled vision.
No, this is not new, however I see an increase and I can't help but see a parallel to the completely unfettered and hateful comments that have been accepted and applauded from one of the highest offices in the world over the past four years. Lies spewing completely unchecked from a social media platform that have ensured a long lasting division between peoples, and leading to civil disruption and disobedience on a scale not seen in recent times. An example that has further legitimized the victimization of innocent people by stealth bombing with words.
This is not a political statement. It is a statement of about character. It should be an expectation that those we choose to lead our countries should have standards and behaviour worthy of that office and our respect. A higher bar needs to be set for those that we allow to represent us at any level.
We have accepted other less admirable traits as more important than being respectable; worthy of respect. And respect can be shown despite differences of all kinds, political or personal. We must show it and we must expect that we be shown it regardless of the person or situation.
I will dismount from my soapbox now and put it away for another day.